Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birth Your Success: WITH YOUR BELIEFS

By:  Gayle North, Positive Change Coach
“If you don’t believe that success is achievable for you, what would motivate you to go for it?”
If a student believes he/she is not smart or are not capable of making good grades, how much effort will they put into the class work?  Will they be confident and attentive and put their time and energy into learning with enthusiasm?

In contrast, consider the motivation level of the student who believes he/she is smart and capable of getting high grades, and believes that getting the good grades is beneficial for them.   How much effort will this student put into class work? 

“Beliefs open the door to excellence.  Beliefs are prearranged, organized filters to our perceptions of the world.  Beliefs are like the commanders of the brain. ” – Anthony Robbins

So if you want to be fit and healthy, start by assessing your beliefs. Examine your beliefs related to the goal.  If you believe you will just gain the weight back after taking it off, how motivated are you to take it off – again? 

Do you believe it is possible for you to enjoy living your life healthy and fit? Do you believe you can trust yourself to do what it takes?  Do you believe that you will maintain your new healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life? The answers to these kinds of questions will give you clues into your history of success or failure with your health goals.    

If you don’t think your positive change is possible, you may have occasionally made enough of an effort to be able to tell yourself and others that you “tried”.   If you level with yourself when you do that, you know that you went part way to “validate” your existing belief that the goal is impossible.   You might say to yourself or others,  “I really tried even though I didn’t think I could do it and I was right.”   “It is hard to imagine my life healthy and fit.”” I always gain the weight back again.”
If you don’t believe that you can trust yourself to do what it takes, you have a little work to do with your motivation strategies.  You may be thinking; ”It might work for other people but I can’t imagine that it would work for me.” “It’s too much work.” “I can’t change.” “This is just the way I am.”  “I can’t do it because ________.”

One reason we ask people to come in to Positive Change Institute for a free screening  before accepting them as clients, is to assess the negative programming they have in opposition to their goal so that we can recommend a strategy for their success.  To be permanently successful, these old beliefs will be replaced with new beliefs that support their true desire.       

YOU CAN CLEAR UP THIS DOUBT IN YOURSELF.  Doubt is just old programming that can be changed.  You deserve to be healthy and fit and you deserve to believe in yourself and in your ability to reinvent your body and your life in a way that pleases you.  Begin by noticing the beliefs that keep you stuck and pick some new beliefs you want to adopt that support you better.  You are part way there already when you do this!

If you have old negative beliefs or habits, consider hypnosis coaching to un-hypnotize yourself from the old self defeating patterns and reprogram your subconscious mind with more supportive beliefs and behavior patterns.  

If you would like to explore your beliefs related to attaining your goals, write to me at   or call me at 406-837-1214 and I will be happy to provide you with worksheets to help you get started.       
YOU CAN develop beliefs that open the door to your success in any project or endeavor.

Gayle North is a Positive Change Coach offering coaching to help you make fast, easy, lasting positive changes so that you can enjoy life fully.  Improve your test scores, control your weight, let go of compulsive habits, improve your golf game.  Call Positive Change Institute at (406) 837-1214 or Toll Free at 1-866-To-Gayle to schedule your free screening.  Visit  for other articles.                                 

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